Ⓒ Copyright 2022 ABC Global Alliance
VAT/NIPC 515 732 230
A global report, analyzing the ABC landscape in the decade 2005-2015 was published in 2015 and highlighted gaps in patient care, access to resources and support, and treatment outcomes for women around the world. It was the first globally focused assessment of ABC across the care continuum, as well as the political, societal, and scientific landscapes.The insights from the Global Decade Report informed the development of the ABC Global Charter which outlined 10 goals for the 2015-2025 decade to drive change in the care of people with ABC. It was developed to address the most urgent and actionable gaps in the treatment and care of patients with ABC and define achievable and realistic goals to ultimately improve and extend their lives.
A deep assessment of progress over the past 10 years will be carried out, creating a new Global Decade Report (2015-2025). Results of this research will be used to review and renew the ABC Global Charter and the actions for change for the next decade (2025-2035). The planned updates to both the Global Decade Report and ABC Global Charter offer a unique opportunity for multi-stakeholder collaboration to define the next 10 years of focus for the ABC community and continue to drive change in 2025 and beyond.
The goal of this work is to unite the ABC community by catalysing change to improve ABC patient outcomes. Healthcare professionals (HCPs), governments, health policy makers, patient advocates, members of the breast cancer community, and anyone whose life is touched by ABC should unite to take action at local and international levels to help achieve the objectives described in the ABC Global Charter and in doing so ensure that advanced breast cancer patients feel included in the Sustainable Development Goals vision of “leaving no one behind”.
To inform the update of the Global Decade Report and ABC Global Charter, and support the assessment of progress in advanced breast cancer over the last decade, the ABC Global Alliance is conducting two surveys to understand the experiences of patients with advanced breast cancer and healthcare professionals managing patients with advanced breast cancer.
Please only complete this survey if you are a patient with advanced breast cancer or a healthcare professional who treats patients with advanced breast cancer (sometimes referred to as metastatic or secondary breast cancer).
The surveys will be open from May 31st to July 31st 2024.
This survey is closed.