
We are advanced breast cancer

Travel grant: ASCO 2024, Chicago, IL, USA

Full applications should be submitted to info@abcglobalalliance.org by 15 March 2024  providing the following documents:
- Short curriculum vitae
- Letter describing the motivation for the attending
- Application form (download here)
Please note that priority will be given to: 
Priority to abstract accepted (on BC related topic or ideally ADVANCED BREAST CANCER)

Recipients will receive a set amount to contribute to their congress registration, travel and accommodation expenses. ABC Global Alliance is not responsible for the event registration, VISA or the travel arrangements. Travel grants are made available for ABC Global Alliance members.  

The following amounts will be refunded by bank transfer after the congress:
(Members from Europe, please select the category from Europe)

Physician/Scientist Member from USA - 1.500 EUR
Physician/Scientist Member from Europe and other regions - 2.200
EUR Physician/Scientist in Developing Countries Member - 2.100 EUR
Early Career or Emeritus Member - from USA - 1.100 EUR
Early Career or Emeritus Member - from Europe and other regions – 1.800 EUR
Early Career or Emeritus Member - from developing countries - 2.200 EUR
In-Training Member from USA - 800 EUR
In-Training Member from developing countries - 2.000 EUR 
In-Training Member from Europe and other regions - 1.800 EUR
Affiliated Health Professional Member from USA - 1.100 EUR
Affiliated Health Professional Member from Europe and other regions - 1.900 EUR 
Affiliated Health Professional Member from developing countries - 2.200 EUR 
Patient Advocate Member from USA - 800 EUR
Patient Advocate Member from Europe and other regions - 1.700 EUR
Patient Advocate Member from developing countries – 1.900 EUR

Virtual: Physician/Scientist Member - 600 EUR
Virtual: Early Career or Emeritus Member - 310 EUR
Virtual: Physician/Scientist in Developing Countries Member 250 EUR
Virtual: In-Training Member - 140 EUR
Virtual: Affiliated Health Professional Member - 320 EUR  

Patient advocates can virtually follow the meeting for free. More details on the above categories are available on the conference website: https://conferences.asco.org/am/attend

The outcome of the application will be notified by 2 April 2024.