Travel grant: St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2023

We are no longer accepting the applications.

Full applications should be submitted to by 10 January 2023 providing thefollowing documents:
- Application form
- Short curriculum vitae
- Letter describing motivation for the attending

Download application form

Please note that priority will be given to: Applicants with poster, abstract presentation or oral presentation accepted for the event

Recipients will receive a set amount to contribute to their congress registration, travel and accommodation expenses. ABC Global Alliance is not responsible for the event registration or the travel arrangements.

The following amounts will be refunded by bank transfer after the congress:

EUR 1400 Regular Participant
EUR 1100 Trainee      
EUR 900 Allied healthcare professionals
EUR 900 Undergraduate students
EUR 900 Patient Advocates
EUR 1000
Participants from emerging economies

More details on the above categories are available on the conference website.
The outcome of the application will be notified by 19 January 2023